Pet wellness exams in Muncie, IN

Wellness Exams

Cat and Dog Wellness Exams in Muncie, IN

At Care Animal Hospital, we provide comprehensive preventative care and important advice about what your pet needs, and how they can achieve a better quality of life. Preventative care is essential for the prevention of most diseases in pets, including heartworm disease, rabies, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and much more.

Dogs and cats benefit significantly from routine pet wellness care programs that support their lifestyle and keep them in the best shape for as long as possible. Call (765) 284-3000 to get started!

Why Prevention Matters

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Likewise, protecting your pet from illness means sparing them from the stress and discomfort of not only being unwell, but also having to endure treatment. Furthermore, early detection of disease can save lives. While our animal hospital is well-equipped to diagnose and treat illness successfully, your pet may still have to live with lasting effects.

Pet wellness exams in Muncie, IN.

Pet Preventative Care

Our veterinarians and staff are more than happy to explain your pet’s wellness program and the services we provide, which include:

  • A twice-yearly head-to-tail physical exam
  • Yearly blood testing to check for infection, parasites, and other types of illness
  • Twice-yearly fecal testing to check for intestinal parasites
  • Vaccines we recommend based on your pet’s lifestyle and infection risks
  • Yearly heartworm testing (for dogs)
  • Year-round flea, tick, and heartworm prevention
  • Oral exams and teeth cleanings
  • Nutrition and behavior counseling

Our Affordable Puppy and Kitten Wellness Plans

Ultimately, our goal is to help you prevent tomorrow’s problems today. Our puppy and kitten wellness plans include:


  • 3 exams, to be scheduled three weeks apart
  • Vaccinations for rabies, distemper, parvovirus, leptospirosis, and Bordetella
  • Intestinal parasite screenings and deworming
  • First month of combination heartworm, flea, and tick preventative


  • 3 exams, to be scheduled three weeks apart
  • 1 feline leukemia test
  • Vaccinations for rabies, feline distemper, and feline leukemia
  • Intestinal parasite screenings
  • First month of combination heartworm, flea, and tick preventative